Update April 24, 2024
The video of the It Takes a Village program can now be viewed via this link.
Hancock County Schools Parent/Community Involvement cordially invites you to its It Takes a Village Festival program, on Wednesday, April 17, 2024, at 9:00 am at the new Elmer J. Warren Stadium. The speaker for the occasion will be the dynamic Mr. Keith L. Brown.
We are inviting faculty, staff, students, parents, community members, local business owners, clergy, and all public officials to be a part of this event by purchasing an ad in the It Takes a Village Festival commemorative program booklet. The cost per ad is:
Full page $100
½ page $50
¼ page $25
We can assist with ad creation, and we can accept camera-ready artwork. Details and specifications for ads can be provided in the attached advertisement form. Pictures may be provided digitally or in a hard copy with the advertisement form. Should you not wish to place an advertisement, you may submit a monetary donation in any amount on the attached advertisement form. For assistance with ad creation please contact L’Angra Webster (lwebster@hancock.k12.ga.us) by email.
For all other questions or inquiries contact Mr. Anthony Gilchrist, Parent/Community Involvement Coordinator at (706) 444-5775 Ext. 234 or at (706) 445-0951.
We thank you in advance for your consideration and look forward to your participation.
Anthony Gilchrist
Parent/Community Involvement Coordinator
It Takes a Village Festival Parade
Hancock County Schools Parent/Community Involvement in conjunction with Communities in Schools, Hancock County Government, the City of Sparta, and the Department of Public Health cordially invites you to take part in the It Takes a Village Festival Parade on Saturday, April 20, 2024. We hope that each of you will get in on the fun as we come together as a community in support of our young people.
The parade will begin at 10:00 am, leaving from the overhead bridge and ending at the Youth Opportunity Center. There is no cost to submit an entry in the parade. We are inviting
Dance/Drill Teams
Civic Groups
Fraternities and Sororities
Youth Groups
Public Officials, and more
Floats and vehicle entries are welcomed!
If you would like to submit an entry in the parade, please complete the attached form and submit it to the Hancock County Board of Education at 10571 Highway 15 North, Sparta, GA 31087.
For more information on this event direct all inquiries to Mr. Anthony Gilchrist, Parent/Community Involvement Coordinator at (706) 444-5775 Ext. 234 or at (706) 445-0951.
We thank you in advance for your consideration and look forward to seeing you at the parade!
Anthony Gilchrist
Parent/Community Involvement Coordinator